Quality and Environment
Environmental performance and occupational health and safety are important principles at Cendres+Métaux. In accordance with our quality and environmental policy, we follow this basic guideline:
Quality is an important factor for the protection of people and the environment.
For our company, energy is an important resource in the manufacture of our products. CO2, water consumption and other environmental factors play a major role in this. In our daily work, we follow our environmental regulations in order to satisfy our quality requirements.
Our quality and environmental policy
- Quality means customer satisfaction. We identify customer expectations betimes. We offer high-quality support and advice to our customers.
- Quality means Fairness. We stand up for the perpetuation of proper business relationships and act according to high moral, ethic and social standards.
- Quality means conformity. We fulfil legal requirements. Risk analysis and tests ensure safety and quality.
- Quality means operator protection and environment protection. We minimize the risk of accidents and increas productivity by a high safety workplace. We optimize our use of energy and raw material and reduce environmental pollution.
- Quality means process control. We control our processes. Our motivated and highly skille co-workers guarantee our success.
- Quality means continuity. We consider our quality policy as a key element of our corporate culture. We commit ourselves to continuous improvement. We minimize existential hazards with well balanced ris assessment scenarios.