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Information on the instructions for Use
The latest instructions for use can be downloaded here for free, or be obtained in paper form through your distributor or Cendres+Métaux customer service. Older versions of instructions for use can be found in the "Archive Instructions for Use".
The European Importer according to the Regulation EU MDR 2017/745 - Art. 13 of medical devices for which Cendres+Métaux acts as legal manufacturer is:

Cendres+Métaux France
Les petites Buffeteries
49124 St-Barthélémy d'Anjou
Search narrowed by:
FilenameBusiness AreaProductProduct CategoryDocument typeLanguage
L2 (V-Deltaloy, V-Delta Special, V-Delta SF, Esteticor® Economic, Esteticor® Plus, Esteticor® Accurate 40, Esteticor® Implant 58) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
L3 (Cerapall 6, Cerapall 2, EcoDelta, Esteticor® CC, Esteticor® Blancor, Esteticor® N2, Ceradelta 2, Esteticor® Actual, Esteticor® NewStart, Ceradelta, Esteticor® Implant 32) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
L4 (Opticast, Aurofluid 2 PF, Pontor MPF, Neocast 3, Protor 3, Aurofluid 3) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
L5 (Dentalor 60, Solaro 3, Medior 3, Solaro Special, Solaro 4, Yellow Special) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
L1 (V-Gnathos Plus, Esteticor® Ideal H, Esteticor® Avenir, V-Supragold, Esteticor ® Cosmor H, V-Classic, Esteticor® Implant 76) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
L7 (BioEthic, DGVO8 H, Esteticor® Ecologic) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
L6 (Pallorag 35, Strator 3, Pallorag 33, Pagalin 2) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Metaltråde (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Odontologiske loddematerialer (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Lasersvejsetråde (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Alloys
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Rodanker (Rotex / Rotex-RD / Dalbo®-Rotex) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Endodontics
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Forankringer (Dalbo®-Z, Pro-Snap, Eccentric, Mini-Gerber PLUS og Mini-Gerber PLUS ring G) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Dalbo®
- Anchors
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Skinner (Dolder® System, rund skinne med rytter og Ackermann‑bar) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Bars
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Holdeelement (M-SG® Star 1, M-SG® Star 2, Mini-SG®, Mini-SG® F/R, Mini-SG® PLUS, Mini-SG® Tuning-matrice og SG-holdeelement) (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Slide Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Oparbejdning af kirurgiske produkter og proteseprodukter (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Attachments
- Instructions for use
- Dansk
Dalbo®-system (pdf)
- Medtech / Dental products
- Dalbo®
- Implantology
- Instructions for use
- Dansk